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HUNTSVILLE, Ala. — As we continue to deal with global supply shortages, the cost of natural gas has more than doubled. This means your electric bill could be much higher this winter.
A local HVAC company, Garrison & Garrison, has some tips to reduce your bill and ensure your heater is working properly.
Josh Head is the general manager at Garrison & Garrison and shares that even though we're heading into the fall season, it's important to check your heater now.
"It sounds odd to ask people to turn their heat on right now, but I think it is very important to get folks to understand that if you turn it on early, you're going to find out if you have an issue you're going to go ahead and call and have that taken care of," Head said.
He says early preparation could save you money in the winter months.
Utility bills are expected to be higher this year anyway, but Head shares if heat pumps don't work properly, "then the backup heat will start to take control and that's what causes utility bills to go up and with the prices of everything going up now it's not one of those things that you just want to start shelling out money for."
He adds that technicians can come and do an evaluation but one thing you can do right now is, "check your filters. That's the first and foremost. That's the easiest thing that a customer and homeowner can do on their own is make sure that each month they're checking the filter. And also just to make sure that as far as the system goes, if you notice anything that is not seeming to be right, don't wait another month. Go on and make a call."
And Head says if your heat exchanger has a crack in it, it can raise safety concerns, "the potential for getting carbon monoxide into the house is highly increased. And that is a silent killer. It can make you sick."
This is also the time to seal any cracks in windows or throughout your home to reduce air from creeping in.
RELATED: Struggling to pay your utility bill? Resources are available to help.
RELATED: Higher than usual utility bills? Here's why.
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